Class Schedule

 every age every stage

  Center For Counseling

Class Schedule

Stage work

“You must become the producer, director and actor in the unfolding story of your life.”

                                                           — Wayne W. Dyer

How will you direct your life?

As the set, stage, & scene director of your life, you have the power and responsibility to strikE  The sets that no longer serve you, engage in the stages you are currently experiencing and create a vision for your future and take action to make it a reality.  this means setting goals, making plans, and taking steps towards achieving them or in other words, being the set, stage, and scene director of your life.

to be an effective director of your life, it's important to regularly assess where you're at, where you want to be, and what steps you need to take to get there.  this involves taking an honest and reflective look at your strengths, weaknesses, values, and priorities, and making choices that align with your goals and vision for your life.

here are some steps you can take to become the director of your life:

  • define your vision: start by thinking about what you want your life to look like.  what kind of person do you want to be?  what kind of relationships, career, and lifestyle do you want to have?  write down your vision and use it as a guide for making decisions and setting goals.
  • set goals: break down your vision into specific, measurable goals.  make sure your goals are realistic, achievable, and aligned with your values and priorities.
  • create a plan: once you've set your goals, create a plan for achieving them.  this might involve breaking your goals down into smaller steps, identifying potential obstacles, and creating a timeline for completion.
  • take action: it's important to take consistent action towards your goals.  this might involve learning new skills, seeking out new opportunities, or making changes to your habits and behaviors.
  • evaluate and adjust: regularly assess your progress toward your goals and make adjustments as needed.  this might involve changing your approach, seeking out new resources or support, or revising your goals if they're no longer aligned with your vision.

remember, being the stage director of your life is a journey, not a destination.  it takes time, effort, and dedication to create the life you want.  At times it may be painful, but with consistent effort and a clear vision, you can achieve your goals and live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

learn more about striking the set
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